"A Winter Wind" by Doug Newman (c) 1986 Sandthistle Music
I wrote this back when I was living in a rooming house in Minneapolis in
the dead of Winter- I think it was late January, in '86. I remember the
freezing wind blowing against the frost covered window so that if you held
up your hand close to it you could feel the cold. It was a wind that lightly
howled through the trees and up against the house making it and the
windows lightly creak, and sure made you appreciate having even a small
room in a rooming house as long as it was warm. Seems like so long ago
and far off now. I guess I could spend some time back there now, but just
to vacation to experience the cold and winter wouldn't be the same as
living there all winter long- that's the way to really experience it!

This photo's not from Minnesota- it's from Colorado that I took during a
family reunion there.